Friday, June 13, 2008

Our Pulau Manukan Trip

On 18-19 May 2008, we took a short break on Pulau Manukan. It was relaxing enough, with swimming, collecting sea shells, swimming, TV, snacks, sunset walk, night walk, late night movie, early morning breakfast, swimming etc. We caught quite a large Box Jelly Fish. There were very few visitors on the island especially in the evening, most visitors were on day visit.
A short testimony
The weather was really bad the week leading to our trip. We seem to get the tail of typhoons from The Philippines and it rained heavily everyday especially in the evening. Family members were anxious if it would affect our trip with bumpy boat rides and the worst possibility of Tsunami ? Little Malcolm of course was quite concerned, he even thought of a way to escape the rain :- why not we go very early in the morning ? But then if it rain the whole day, there wouldn't be much fun! So dad suggested to him to pray for good weather.

His prayer worked. Throughout the entire trip, from the departure from Sutera Harbour Jetty till the journey back, the weather was perfect and not too hot ! It did rain the night before we went but somehow, the rain was on-hold when we were on the island for that 2 days ! Praise be to God !
A trip short and sweet away from home,
Off we went to an island we made our home;
The sun shone brightly the whole time through,
The rain held its downpour till we were through.

All Set to Go, Where is the Boat?

Here we go, here we go, here we go !

Smile, you are on the way to Pulau !

Photo time !

Swimming time !

At the Reception Lobby

Box Jelly Fish

Feline Hide & Seek

Bel and her new island feline friend

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