Friday, June 13, 2008

Household Names

When we start this family, we think of names as very important beginning for each of our child. The selection and short-listing of names began when each of them was still part of the mummy's "bun". As eager parents in the waiting, we always prepared two sets of names, you know, one for boy and one for girl. We didn't get to use the girl name until the last, well, its like Saved the Best for Last. As Chinese parents, we get to choose 2 sets of names of each of them, in Chinese and in English.

All the Chinese names here are in Hainanese pronunciation except mummy who is a Hakka dialect decent.

Michael Heng Yee Boon
In Hebrew the meaning of the name Michael is: Who is like God? Gift from God. In the Bible, St. Michael was the conqueror of Satan and patron saint of soldiers.

Doria Tai Yun Tyng
“Doria”, a variant name of “Dorothy”, "Dora" means “Gift of God”.
In Spanish The meaning of the name Daria is: Rich.
Yun Tyng means forever graceful.

Elliot Heng Fook Juan
In English origin Elliot is God on high; my God is Jehovah. Variant of Elijah.
In Scottish Elliot is: Old Welshman.
In French Elliot is: Believes in God.
He is Elliot because Elliot is variant name of Elijah, means God is Jehovah.
Fook Juan means the Source of Blessings which is God Himself.

Wallace Heng Fook Loon
Scottish Origin is : Welshman; stranger. Famous Bearer: Scottish hero Sir William Wallace.
English origin is: From Wales.
German origin is: A Welshman.
But he is Wallace because he is brave-heart, a warrior of Christ. Also the truth is that he had been to Wallace Monument before he was born.
Fook Loon means Blessed and Harmonious.

Malcolm Heng Fook Swan
In Gaelic is: Servant/disciple of Columba. Famous Bearers: Conductor Sir Malcolm Sargent and U.S. black militant Malcolm X (Malcolm Little).
In Scottish origin is: St. Columb's disciple.
He is Malcolm because he is Discipline and Pro claimer of Christ, just like St Columb who spread the gospel truth to Scotland.
Fook Swan means Blessings as large as turning river into a sea.

Christabel Heng Fook Yun
The name Christabel in English is: Variant of Christiana. Follower of Christ.
She is Christabel because she is beautiful follower of Christ.
Fook Yun means Blessed and Melodious.

In summary, here are our names and their meaning :-

Michael Gift from God. Who is like God?

Doria A Gift of God

Elliot Jehovah is God.

Wallace Brave warrior of Christ

Malcolm Proclaimer & Follower of Christ

Christabel Beautiful folower of Christ

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