Monday, August 13, 2018

Counting and Calling Life

I count it comfort when I am down and I have a few friends to rely on. 

I count it blessings when I am wrong and I have friend to tell me so.

I count it joy when I could tell my wrongs and be accepted as me.

I count it freedom when I am allowed to express my inner self.

I count it special when I am given a favour I undeserved.

I count it peaceful when I could rest in the midst of turmoil.

I call it love when I am loved for who I am.

I call it grace when I am given another chance in life.

I call it faith when I believe in what my eyes have not seen.

I call it kindness when I fall and I am helped to stand up again.

I call it rest when I could sleep in the midst of storm.

I call it complete when in vulnerability I am set free.

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