Friday, April 13, 2018

Matcha Sponge Cake

I like Green Tea but when it comes to Matcha, I like it as a drink better than the rest. However, Matcha Cake is really nice but I have not tried to make it. Recently, Bel asked me if I could bake a cake for her friend whose absolute favourite cake is Matcha Cake! Ok, that is a good challenge albeit very short notice. I think I will give it a try.

I love to take reference from other people and here is one reliable one that I keep going back to:-

I will use my own Basic Sponge Cake recipe (the age-old recipe) and then add 10 gm of Matcha Tea green powder for the flavourr. Bake 170 C for 50 minutes.

Matcha Sponge Cake

Mixture A
4 Egg Whites
2 Oz Castor Sugar
1/4 tsp Cream of Tartar

Mixture B
4 Egg Yolks
3 Oz Vegetable Oil
3 Oz Water
4 Oz Sponge Cake mixture
2 Oz Hong Kong Flour
1/4 tsp Soda Bicarbonate
10 g Matcha Powder


  1. Whisk Mixture A untuk stiff
  2. Mix everything well in Mixture B and add in Matcha Powder

For the cream, here are two good suggestions from the website:-

White Chocolate Mouse

100 UHT Whippping Cream
50 g Whiet Chocolate
25 g UHT Whipping Cream
1 tsp Gelatine Powder
1 Tbsp Water

Red Bean Cream

170 g red bean paste
100 g UHT Whipping Cream

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