Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kids say the darndest things

Wallace at 3, while crossing the Tamparuli hanging bridge, he wanted to hold daddy hands. When mum asked why, he replied, "Because pappa has more use !" (Obviously, he thought mum would be less useful should the hanging bridge fall!)

Bel at 5 was very curious about heaven, she asked while having her milk before bed, "Would there be food in heaven?" So, mum assured her that there will be plenty food in heaven, no need to worry. After a pause, she said,"How ? If I am hungry, do I go to Jesus and says : Jesus, I am hungry, can I have chicken and rice ?" Mum could not stop laughing, "No darling, I am not sure if they serve Hainanese Chicken Rice in heaven!"

Bel at 5 was learning Rukun Negara at Kindergarten Year 1.
Mum : Bel, has your school taught you on Rukun Negara?

Bel stamped her feet to attention.
Bel : Yes, we have to stand very straight and repeat after the teachers.
Mum : What have you learnt about it ?
Bel : Very hard to memorise but I remember Malaysia has many prawns !
Me : Er ? Why ?
Bel : Kedaulatan Udang-udang !
Bel happens to like prawns very much !

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