Sunday, March 13, 2022

Lessons from the Malacca Election in 2021

 A meaningful analogy of our current political situation which all Malaysians ( especially Sabahans ) 

must know… please pass on to all Malaysians. 

(original writer unknown) 

Malacca lesson. 

Malacca Chapter :

Analysis of Melaka polls; LACK  of understanding of a shared group interest .

A great read 🙏🏻🙏🏻

A meaningful analogy of our current political situation which all Malaysians must know. 

 A point to ponder 

Sandwich  has been served everyday in a hostel of 100 students. Out of 100 students 80 students complained and wanted to be given different food / every day. 

But, 20 students were happy to eat Sandwich everyday. 80 students wanted to have something other than Sandwich. 

With great noises and confusions to get a conclusion, the warden arranged for voting. Which ever food gets the majority, that food will be made available.

*20 students who wanted Sandwich voted promptly. 

Out of remaining 80 students voted as per their taste.*

18: Nasi Lemak

16: Roti Canai

14: Bread & Butter

12: Mee goreng

10: Cornflakes 

10: Pasteries

So, as per the voting pattern & Majority, Sandwich was continued to ber served daily.

Lesson: As long as 80% of the population looks around, petty, selfish, divided & scattered, 20% will rule us.

It's a good lesson.

People Mindset

We all need to develop a People Mindset to success!

Credit: WhatsApp Group

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