Wednesday, August 12, 2020

This could be why you're depressed or anxious


This could be why you're depressed or anxious | Johann Hari

In a moving talk, journalist Johann Hari shares fresh insights on the causes of depression and anxiety from experts around the world -- as well as some exciting emerging solutions. "If you're depressed or anxious, you're not weak and you're not crazy -- you're a human being with unmet needs," Hari says.

We need to talk less about chemical imbalances and more about the imbalances in the way we live.
If you're depressed or anxious, you're not weak and you're not crazy -- you're a human being with unmet needs.

"We are the first human beings ever to disband our tribes.” “Don’t be you, don’t be yourself, be ‘us’, be ‘we’, be part of a group.” “Junk values have taken over our lives and made us mentally sick.” “We’ve been trained to look for meaning and value in all the wrong places” “Junk values don’t meet your psychological needs, they don’t lead to a fulfilling life.” “In this culture we do not live by the things we know... we live in a machine that is designed to get us to neglect what is most important about life.” “How can you dedicate more of your life to live by things of meaning and purpose” “Create meetings to articulate and reinforce our take us away from the avalanche of incorrect voices.” “Your depression is not a malfunction, it’s a signal, it’s telling you something - it’s not a sign of weakness or madness, or purely biological.” “It’s only when we truly respect and listen to these signals, that we will find our way out and to a more meaningful life.”

Be involved in a we mentality.

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