Thursday, May 10, 2018

Winds of Change leading to Rebirth of Malaysia - The Journey

This is the journey of transformation for the rebirth of Malaysia on 10 May 2018. GE 14 held on 9 May 2018 was a historical event.

In short, the world named MO1 as Kleptocrat, we never know that word until he was named as such. kleptocrat means stealing money from the money for his own gains. Yet, none of YBs and Heads of Departments did or say anything towards it.

History made today.
1. Breaking 61 Years of single party rule.
2. The oldest MP - 92 years old.
3. The youngest MP - 22 years old.
4. The oldest and youngest MP's in the house, in the same term.
5. PM returns for 2nd term after 15 years retirement.
6. The First Female DPM.

Well Done Malaysia.
The sun rises brighter today.

We have witnessed the Death of kleptocracy, and the Rebirth of Democracy.


Key People that made it happened

One of the key person who did a great ground work was Rafizi. We all owe him a great deal. Before Invoke, it was only ceramahs which only attracted the already converted. With Invoke, he was the first to penetrate the rural folks. Day and night he was travelling on the truck with his wife and son giving ceramah after ceramah.  Then he got most of our young ones on board. It practically laid the foundation for Tun M to use his influence on the Malay heartland. We owe the victory to this self-sacrificing man.

BN Intelligence Predicted BN Loss

Why did Tun Mahathir went to PKR, DAP to form Pakatan Harap?

What was written about the "Rakyat Tsuinami" or "Suara Rakyat" ?

1) Malaysia Kini - by WILLIAM DE CRUZ, former Global Bersih president

Setting a world benchmark in reclaiming democracy
William de Cruz
10 May 2018, 4:20 pm (Updated 10 May 2018, 4:52 pm)

Malaysians set a world benchmark, a gold standard in how to reclaim democracy against all odds yesterday.

The government coalition that had lorded over a country with various alliances for 61 years threw everything against its citizens for the 14th general election - the judiciary, the police, the universities system, the election commission, its very parliament, race and religion.

Gerrymandering and malapportionment saw some federal constituencies with as little as a few thousand voters sit side-by-side with seats that housed more than 150,000 registered voters.

This was a voting population that saw its very government as adversary.

Yet, like no other country in modern history, millions turned up yesterday and overthrew a murderous, corrupt regime without shedding one drop of blood.

There were no riots, no looting, burning of cars, homes or shops, ugly manifestations of religious or racial bigotry, ignorance or intolerance.

Instead, the people of a multi-racial country that is home to the world's fastest-growing religion, Islam, as well as the two biggest races on the planet, Chinese and Indians, embraced one another to rise above despots, division, discrimination and the albatross of the voting system itself, to unseat a prime minister and coalition that would have sold Malaysian down the drain in return for self-preservation, enrichment and aggrandisement.

The plot twists and ironies that led Malaysia to this historic day could not have been better scripted by the best of Hollywood.

Two men, powerfully galvanising individuals who were each nemesis to the other for nearly two decades - Anwar Ibrahim and Dr Mahathir Mohamad - forged the most unlikely of political alliances.

One remains a prisoner, the other put him there in shameful circumstances that were played out under the glare of world media spotlights.

The prisoner has shown how the sheer power of forgiveness can transcend the most painful of pasts. The image of Anwar and Mahathir shaking hands as allies, at one of Anwar's more recent court appearances, is now regarded by many as the turning point for the alliance that is now government-in-waiting.

The jailor and nation-builder declares he has now to free Anwar.

The most honourable Lim Kit Siang, Malaysia's longest-standing patriot, a walking symbol of long-standing and unrelenting parliamentary opposition, and the epitome of statesmanship, has carried magnanimity and self-sacrifice to another plane entirely.

Lim has embraced Mahathir, who had also thrown him into jail, and placed his aspirations for Malaysia centre stage for the sake of a pact the likes of which no other country has seen.

And yesterday, out of racism, corruption and bigotry emerged unity, determination and a sense of purpose - to forge a new future, a new hope, a new country for ourselves and our children.

Malaysians have shown a uniqueness that is as palpable as it is inspiring, and we must give ourselves the time and space to be very, very proud of what we have achieved today.

We have snatched back democracy from the jaws of destruction, so Malaysia may be rebuilt all over, with the multi-racial, democratic and egalitarian ideals of its founding fathers and earliest patriots.

We have come from the race riots of May 13, 1969, to the multi-racial juggernaut of May 9, 2018. We fought back without bloodshed or violence.

We have returned “Merdeka” - freedom, independence - to our shores. The future is now full of promise, and it's a promise we made to ourselves.

The singular event of May 9 will powerfully resonate forever in our history as a glorious chapter in a people's tenacity.

Yesterday, Malaysians became a beacon to the rest of the world, and delivered a new lesson in non-violent opposition.

The world has not seen such a reversal of fortune as Malaysia's. We are a walking, living legacy.

This is Malaysia, like no other country in the world.

Written by WILLIAM DE CRUZ is former Global Bersih president.

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini.

2) Emran A Wahid · Singapore

Tun M, Mat Sabu and Anwar family will leave a legacy as a great freedom fighters in Malaysian history books in the future. They replaces the Hang Tuah legacy. It is not hard to see Tun M works tirelessly to correct his wrongdoing in making Najib and the whole institution being abused. It is clear that the 92yr old man, repay Anwar by presenting him the PM role on the platter once Anwar is released. Deep inside Tun M, Anwar is the best and only candidate to succeed Tun M to lead tte country to greater hights. This I think the way Tun M wished to apologize to Anwar and his family, Mat Sabu and the nation at large. A true gentlemen will not only apologize and run away, but go beyond his physical means to correct what he has done wrong. Tun M is a gentleman and a great leader, but that is an understatement. Malaysians are blessed to have Tun M, a treasure that needs to be embraced and taken care of. Like all living things, death is imminent, I lost LkY and the pain is still there when I wake up each morning the things around me are the product of LKY’s stern policy and governance. Many like me wished we could do more to thank and appreciate his struggles when he was alive. I sincerely feel sorry and terrible when seeing Tun M at his so advanced age and fragile health gave speeches after speeches across the country everyday and night. I would never allow my father of 70yrs, if he is still alive now, to go thru the same.

So Malaysians, whether you favour him or Not is regardless, for all you know he must have his own agenda for his efforts, but you don't have much choice. firstly Najib must go, secondly PH under Tun M is your only hope of saving your country to his former glory, and I belive he is very sincere in restoring the once great Asian Tiger.

3) Making Infinity War 2 pale looking

Infinity war 2 is going to be an anti climax. We have already seen how despite holding the

Time stone - Wednesday election
Space stone - gerrymandering
Reality stone - fake news law
Power stone - money and machinery
Mind stone - mass media control
Soul stone - race and religion card

A guy can still be defeated in Malaysia.

The Bucket List of Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope) are as follow:
New Msian PH Govt's Bucket List: 🗑👊👍

1.TDM will seek royal pardon for Annuar.
2.Sack the AG with  review of the Justice Ministry, RoS Chief, PDRM, MACC chief
3.Repeal LGE, Rafizi, Tony Pua pending court cases and get them squashed
4.Now the Penang Tunnel will get a go ahead.
5.Review ECRL project
6.Review all business projects of Najib's cronies.
7.Work hand in hand with DoJ to bring back JLow and Najib's step son to Malaysia, to face justice working hand in hand with Interpol.
8.Retrieve all the money stolen.
9.Seek extradition of Sirul, back from Australia to review and revive Atlantuya's murder trial.
10. Reopen the findings of the disappearance  of Pastor Raymond Koh
11.Reopen the court cases of murders of Morais...etc
12.Charge Najib and his chronic ministers and heads of ministries for abuse of power.

Sometimes, we can only appreciate why certain things happen in a certain way when we look behind and join the dots. If Mahathir did not sack Anwar in 1998, Anwar would not have formed a new Party. Over the years, the party formed as a result of a Anwar's expulsion from Umno gained strength. When the time was "ripe" events lead to Mahathir's anger and frustration that brought him to leave Umno and form a new opposition party. There is no way, DAP or Keadilan could bring down UMNO's coalition party. The  birth of Pakatan HARAPAN is a divine act to bring positive changes and it started 20 years ago..though we did not understand it then. Glad things are getting more clear to us as it unfolds....Mahathir, Anwar are just part of the divine play...the coming together of Lim Kit Siang, Anwar, Mahathir, Mohamad Sabu to take UMNO after 60 years is grand play by the Universe.🙏

Lighter  notes on our hero :-

Sejahtera Malaysia

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