Sunday, September 3, 2017

BBQ Party Prepartion

Here is a record of how I prepared for a BBQ Dinner party for about 40 pax. I always plan for more meat, any extra, we could put them aside for family meals. This happens to be Elliot's 21st Birthday on 3 September 2017, we have a few good recipes and have been tried out before.

Guest List :-

1) Our family - 7
2) Tai family - 12 + Grand-Aunt Cecilia
3) Heng family - 11
4) Annie family - 6
5) Aisha - 2
6) Elliot's friends - 6
7) Rekast friends - 6

Total :- 51 (about 7 kids)

Menu :-

1) Spaghetti Mee & Bolognaise Sauce
2) Tea Eggs
3) Chicken Wings -  6 Kg
4) Lamb Shoulders (Bone & Meatless) - 4 Kg
5) Hot Dogs - 8 packs
6) Sweet Potatoes
7) Mashed Potatoes
8) Macaroni Cheese
9) Coleslaw
10) Green Salad

Desserts :-

1) Tiramisu
2) Red Velvet Cake
3) Iced Lemon Tea
4) Beer

The night before, I ready :-

1) Tiramisu
2) Tea Egg Mixture
3) Cake

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