Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas Family Post 2016

Christmas is a season of mixed feelings ! Its a bit of too many good things happenings all at the same time and also a sad feeling that we are saying goodbyes to another year on earth, that the year is coming fast to an end.

We make it a Christmas traditions to have family and friends over for some meals, a few meals over the Christmas period. This year we had three and believe it or not, I did not have photos of the first two gatherings as I was too busy preparing the food list and talking to people.

It began with the Gaya Christmas Carnival in the middle of December, when it first begun, I set up a stall to sell Christmas Cakes and we did really well doing Chairty fund raising for a few years. After a few years, we decided we just want to enjoy the celebrations and not to be such "rush-ians", rushing through the Christmas season, chasing the wind, losing our focus on what is the real meaning of Christmas. So, for a good many years, we select our Christmas Celebrations activities carefully, we even declined to do caroling for a year or two so that officers have a better break in between camps.

This year, we did the following Christmasy things in December :-

  • Visited Gaya Christmas Carnival on 14 Dec 2016 Wednesday night
  • My Office GDM Christmas Party at Grandis Hotel on 16 Dec 2016 Friday Lunch 
  • The Hengs Winter Solstier cum Christmas Dinner 21 Dec 2016 Wednesday 
  • WOE Home Group Chirstmas Celebration cum Farewell Dinner to Aisha as new Connect Group Leader 22 Dec 2016 Thursday
  • Rekast Young Adults Christmas Supper 23 Dec 2016 Friday with Elliot back home at 5:30 pm
  • Christmas Eve Dinner with Tai Family and WOE Home Group, Brigade Group, Elite Ladies before Church Service at 9:30 pm
  • Christmas Breakfast with Danny & Mui Fing family, David Tai family and Michael's mum & aunty before our trip to Rasa Ria Shangrila Resorts at Tuaran.
  • Stay at Rasa Ria Resorts 25-27 Dec 2016
  • KKGC Christmas Party on 27 Dec 2016 at BCCM KK
  • Andrew & Judith's daughter wedding dinner at Sutera Magallen.

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