Thursday, May 21, 2015

Yo Yo Poem

I came across a poem on Yo Yo and I remember the tiny game that we used to play as kids. But I was never good at it, my siblings did much better than me. 

I am not sure if in the ancient Greek, there was yo yo or not.

Mastery of Yo yo is serious matter.

Japanese Yo Yo Champion BLACK made it to TED Talk and did an amazing performance with standing ovation by the audience at the end. 

Yo Yo Poem

Lord I am a yo-yo
And you hold the string
When I am low
You pull me up again
Sometimes it seems
You don't pull hard
Cause I don't go up very far
Then I hang
Suspended in time
While the string
Slowly unwinds
One day I'll make it
To the top
Keep pulling LORD
Please don't' stop
Problems get in my way
The string gets a little knot
But with you in control LORD
The knot comes untied
Keep on pulling LORD
Help me to climb
This long and hard string of life
For when I've made it
To the top
I know I've made it to YOU!!!

copyright ©Donna Golden

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