Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pineapple Tarts Success Story 2012

Pineapple tarts are a special delicacy, especially during Chinese New Year. I do not really make these tarts at any other time of the year. So, it is like once a year affair. After few years of trying, I had a proper lesson from my friend's mum who makes famous Pineapple Tarts in Singapore for many years, she taught few of us how to make the pineapple jam from scratch. It is a lot of hard work. I only did that twice and decided to buy ready-made Pineapple jam from Thailand from Bake with me shop.

I found this pastry very good and has the melt-in-the-mouth feel.

250 gm Butter
70 gm Icing Sugar (sifted)
2 Egg Yolks lightly beaten
330 gm Plain Flour (preferably cake flour)
2 Tbsp Cornflour
2 Tbsp Custard Powder (optional)

1) Sift flours, custard powder.
2) Mix butter, icing sugar till creamy and fluffy.
3) Add the yolk, sifted flours and mix to form a  dough.
4) Put inside plastic bag or bowl, leave the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Note:- I usually make 4 portions of this recipe and store them in a plastic bag inside the fridge. This can use for 2 Kgs of Pineapples and make about 280 pieces of Pineapple tarts like these photos.

Oven temperature: 170 C (not too hot), bake 8-10 minutes depending on how hot the oven is. Have to watch them carefully. 

Ready to bake!
In the Oven

Final Touch
Lovely Tarts

Final Products


Pineapple Roll Tarts

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