Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Family Picnic

This has been the longest in-planning picnic I ever got invovled in ! It was in skype back in May 2011 between Sabah and Kalimantan; between me and my lil brother David who is now working in Kalimantan about his coming home visit in August 2011. I told him "Lets plan camp and bring our boys to go fishing !" He said ok ! Well, that was 2 months plus ago and now he is back home and I poped the question "On or not ?" He asked me to find out the choices we have.

Beside this took 2 months to materialise, the final selection was entirely based on Facebook responses from my siblings ! Cool !

Since the site selection was FB base, so the To-Bring list is also online :-

I went on a personal mission on 6 August 2011 to check out the place after reading some kampung names from the Google Earth, copied to my handphone, armed with my Handphone GPS receiver, I drove all the way there to check it out. This was what I found out... So inviting ! So soothing !

Hope we will have a great time on Sunday !

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