Friday, February 12, 2010

College of Logic

College of Logic
Two Men are driving down the interstate when one notices a sign that says "College of Logic 5 miles." Neither one knows what it means and are both curious.

The two men take the exit to the college and the driver goes in to investigate. He quickly finds a professor to explain...

Driver: "What does ’College of Logic’ mean?"

Prof: "Well, I can best answer your question by asking you a question, Do you own a Lawn mower?"

Driver: "Yes, I do."

Prof: "Well, then I can logically assume that you have a yard."

Driver: "Yes, I have a very big yard."

Prof: "Then I can logically assume that you have a house."

Driver: "I have a very big house."

Prof: "Then I can logically assume that you have a family."

Driver: "I have a wife and two kids."

Prof: "Then I can logically assume that you are heterosexual."

Driver: "Yes Sir, staight as a board, always have been. I think I understand what this school is all about, thank you for your time."

Then the driver heads back out to the car to continue on his way. When he gets back to the car, the passenger asks about the school...

Passenger: "So, what’s it all about?"

Driver: "Well, I can best answer your question by asking you a question, Do you own a Lawn mower?"

Passenger: "No."

Driver: "Then you’re a Homo!"

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