Sunday, September 5, 2021

Stuckie Sad Story


Loggers' Surprise from a hollow tree

It’s a Dog!

The features, which included paws, sharp teeth, and a long snout, told everyone that the creature was a dog. Of course, the team felt slightly uncomfortable to know this was once a live dog.

These Loggers Got Quite The Surprise From A Hollow Tree

 Published on October 8, 2020

Imagine getting to work on a typical day, after which you end up discovering one of the most incredible things you could think of. Such a phenomenon would undoubtedly be enough to bring variety to a monotonous routine. You may even look forward to work, as you wonder what you’d discover next. Do you think such a thing could happen to a logger? What exciting thing could a logger find that would be so impactful? You are about to find out just how intriguing things can be. Some discoveries create memories that last a lifetime and this one of them.

Life of a Logger

This logger and his team typically get enough logs to get them to their quota on any day. However, a shocking sight while warming up the saws brought everything to a halt.

Life Of A Logger

Life Of A Logger

An Unusual Occurrence

This logger team was from Georgia Kraft Co., and things were flowing as usual until a saw made contact with a particular tree. There was no explanation for what they experienced at the time.

An Unusual Occurrence

An Unusual Occurrence

Normal Operations

Loggers tend to get a lot of negative press since they’re known for cutting down beautiful trees. Jasper City in Georgia is an exception, however, since almost every family has some link to the logging industry.

Normal Operations

Normal Operations

Superb Wood

Jasper City lays in proximity to a set of mountains that are surrounded by American Chestnut trees. Therefore, loggers have a lucrative source of income. The trees are unique enough, but there was another surprise coming.

Superb Wood

Superb Wood

Post-Lunch Fun

In 1980, a set of Georgia Kraft Co. workers got to their worksite, and they immediately got their hands dirty. Things seemed familiar enough up to lunchtime. When they resumed their typical activities, one tree stuck out.

Post Lunch Fun

Post Lunch Fun

The Hollow Tree

The team had gotten through most of the trees for the day, and only a few were left. One was hollow and looked easy enough to take down, but it had a secret.

The Hollow Tree

The Hollow Tree

The Revelation

With the tree trunk on its side, the team wanted to cut it up for transportation reasons. However, they noticed that sunlight wasn’t passing through it. Therefore, either the pathway was blocked, or the tree wasn’t hollow.

The Revelation

The Revelation

The Strange Dark Hole

From a distance, the tree trunk appeared to have a dark hole inside it. While it also seemed to be a stem growing in a tree, there was a weird look present.

The Strange Dark Hole

The Strange Dark Hole

The Spirit of Discovery

The loggers had two dilemmas on their hands. The first was that they couldn’t figure out what the strange blockage was. Additionally, no one was volunteering to go inside to find out.

The Spirit of Discovery

The Spirit of Discovery

One Brave Logger

One of the loggers volunteered himself, as it seemed like no one else would go in. He proceeded to start pushing his body inside to observe things better. Suddenly, he shrieked and jumped away.

One Brave Logger

One Brave Logger

Unbelievable Tale

The team curiously wondered what could’ve caused such a reaction. Everyone wanted to know what he saw. As soon as he caught his breath, he told them that he saw a beast, which no one believed.

Unbelievable Tale

Unbelievable Tale

Unknown Sight

Some of the other loggers decided to look too, and everyone came out just as puzzled as the first team member. Nobody could figure out what it was or what it was doing in the tree.

Unknown Sight

Unknown Sight

Making the Right Call

The loggers realized that they wouldn’t be able to use the tree, but they knew the find was valuable. Therefore, they called in their manager, but he told them to keep working.

Making The Right Call

Making The Right Call

A Monster?

The thing in the tree looked like a monster that was gearing up to jump at someone. It was some kind of living animal, though it clearly wasn’t alive anymore when the team unexpectedly discovered it.

A Monster?

A Monster?

Poetry In Motion

Based on the creature’s position, it seemed like it was moving forward when it got frozen in its current state. Everyone guessed what may have happened, but the teeth gave the apparent answer away.

Poetry In Motion

Poetry In Motion

It’s a Dog!

The features, which included paws, sharp teeth, and a long snout, told everyone that the creature was a dog. Of course, the team felt slightly uncomfortable to know this was once a live dog.

It's A Dog!

It’s A Dog!

Mummification at Play?

The theories came in from every angle, and some established that the dog was mummified. Who would be practicing mummification in Georgia? Another speculation is that the dog died while obeying a freeze command.

Mummification At Play?

Mummification At Play?

The Day Doesn’t Stop

The loggers continued to wonder what led to the dog ending up in the tree. However, they had a job to do, and they had to shift their focus back to it.

The Day Doesn't Stop

The Day Doesn’t Stop

A Wise Decision

The loggers knew the uncut trunk would negatively affect profits, but they decided to bear the cost. They figured that the log’s state made it valuable, which was a better choice than they realized.

A Wise Decision

A Wise Decision

Research Purposes

Once they were finished working for the day, they took the log to a place they figured would help them to get all the answers they wanted. They couldn’t even begin to imagine the mystery story.

Research Purposes

Research Purposes

A Long Wait

The loggers took the item to scientists who could analyze it effectively, but it took over a year for them to get the answers that they desired. The reveal was a sad one.

A Long Wait

A Long Wait

The Southern Forest World

There’s a Georgia-based museum known as The Southern Forest World. The exhibits are based on wood production, and it’s where the tree trunk and the mystery pooch ended up after being donated.

The Southern Forest World

The Southern Forest World

No Backstory

The museum wasn’t yet operational when the exhibit was donated. However, the operators needed the dog’s backstory. That’s where biological anthropologist Kristina Killgrove came into the picture. She intended to fill in the story’s missing pieces.

No Backstory

No Backstory

Finding the Information

After thoroughly examining the dog, Kristina managed to come up with the correct answers. Though she initially considered the possibility of mummification, she soon concluded that the practical likelihood of that occurrence was non-existent.

Finding The Information

Finding The Information

Explaining the Process

Kristina started her explanation with the basics. She went through how tissue decay works and how microbes proceed to eat tissue soon after it dies. She explained that they grow, reproduce, and take over.

Explaining The Process

Explaining The Process

The Special Tree

Chestnut trees have organic substances that are conducive to moisture absorption. That property prevented microbes from eating the tissue, which meant that the dog’s body stuck around for way longer than the expected time.

The Special Tree

The Special Tree

No Scavengers

The lack of microbes meant that there was no smell to tell scavengers the animal’s position. Even if there were a weaker than usual scent, it would go upwards through the trunk. One question still remained.

No Scavengers

No Scavengers

Giving Chase

Southern Forest World director Bertha Sue concluded that the dog was a hunting one. Apparently, it tried to chase a squirrel or raccoon, and followed deep into the tree trunk. Eventually, the dog got stuck there.

Giving Chase

Giving Chase

All the Way Up

The dog seemed intent on getting whatever it was chasing, as it went 28 feet high. On top of the lack of smell, the oak’s tannic acid contributed to the dog’s skin hardening.

Post-Death Impact

The mystery dog had no name before 2002, but it was very popular and sat among some of the most highly regarded tree species. In an exciting turn of events, the dog now appears on promotional materials.


Over the years, people referred to the animal as the mummified dog. Eventually, it got the name Stuckie, after the name won a naming contest. The name was technically sad, but things were still yet to get gloomy.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

COVID-19 Protocols

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Crisis in Capital City

Viral Photos & Videos Show Bleak State Of Hospitals That Are On The Verge Of Collapsing

Hospital beds have been removed to make way for benches in order to house more COVID-19 patients in the ward.

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Photos and videos showing patients sitting shoulder to shoulder in hospital wards while others are resting on beds crammed next to one another have gone viral on social media and messaging apps

In the videos that SAYS sighted, patients can be seen being seated on stretchers placed at various corners in a hospital ward, while beds are put closely together in order to house more patients.

One of the viral videos was shared by Klang member of Parliament (MP) Charles Santiago. It not only shows COVID-19 patients sleeping on camp beds placed outside the emergency department of Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR) Klang, it also shows that the emergency lobby has been converted into a makeshift ward with patients resting in the area in a disorderly manner.

Another 16-second long video shows patients sitting on benches placed perpendicularly to the areas that are normally meant for hospital beds. Patients are seen wearing oxygen masks that are connected to medical gas pipelines attached to the wall.

Each area is encased with transparent cubicle curtains. Some patients can be seen sleeping in an upright position.

Image from Facebook
Image via Facebook

The distressing videos surfaced after the Ministry of Health (MOH) repeatedly stressed over the past weeks that hospitals in Klang Valley are operating at "overcapacity"

On Wednesday, 7 July, Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said four of the most infectious states and territories have daily new cases higher than the maximum capacity that the states' hospitals can handle.

The states and territories are Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, and Labuan.

The trend has been worsening since mid-June when the occupancy for intensive care unit (ICU) beds hospitals reached 90%.

Now, the hospitals are operating at "overcapacity".

According to the MOH's latest seven-day COVID-19 statistics, Negeri Sembilan has the highest ICU utilisation rate at an average of 166% — well above the 100% capacity rate.

Image from Facebook
Image via Facebook

Other than the official statement from Noor Hisham, accounts given by medical officers on the ground level also depict a similar bleak situation

Speaking to several medical professionals in Klang Valley hospitals, CodeBlue's report on Wednesday likened Malaysia's current bed shortage crisis to India.

"We don't really know what's causing this," a medical officer at Ampang Hospital told the independent healthcare news portal on condition of anonymity.

"All we know is that these patients are in healthy condition one day, and they have breathing difficulties the next."

It is learnt that the hospital received about 100 stage four COVID-19 patients from the Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang (MAEPS) on Sunday, 4 July.

Before they could make arrangements for the new influx of patients, they received another another 120 severe cases from the quarantine centre.

It's like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.
A medical officer at Ampang Hospital

"Admissions are high but discharges are low. And that is not inclusive of critical patients under pre-hospital care and ambulance calls or those who walked in," the Ampang Hospital doctor said.

"We accept them, but we don't know what to do with them."

One staff working at HTAR Klang said that the condition in the hospital is similar to India, revealing that some patients had to lie down in front of the payment counter due to bed shortage.

"The whole scenario is like India — patients are lying on the floor everywhere," said the HTAR Klang staff.

Image from Facebook
Image via Facebook

Additionally, the report also noted that hospitals in Klang Valley have become a virus "land mine", whereby COVID-19 negative individuals entering the premises are likely to leave with an infection

Citing the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CodeBlue reported aerosol as a key mode of infection.

In other words, COVID-19 is airborne.

"That's another issue that we are facing," said a Selayang Hospital staff member.

"Patients are popping up positive (for COVID-19) in the ward from out of nowhere. It's literally like stepping into a land mine."

CodeBlue's report also highlighted other pressing issues at the hospitals, such as computerised system malfunction, overworking, and loss of hope among medical workers, among others.

A medical staff reportedly worked 20 hours during an extended shift in a day.

In response to the crisis, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Adham Baba allocated RM1.1 million worth of supplies to HTAR Klang.

Other hospitals in the country's most populous area will also receive ICU beds and other equipment, reported Malaysiakini.

The allocation came after Klang MP Charles pleaded with the federal government to "immediately intervene to mitigate the tragedy".

He also urges the government to convert nearby budget hotels and public halls to medical centres as an interim measure.

Watch the compilation of the viral videos below:

To better protect yourself against COVID-19, MOH advises

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I love this video clips. It makes a lot of sense to me.