Monday, May 27, 2019

Amazing facts about Mrs Lee - LKY's Mother

I am just very intrigued by the First Family of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew (LKY), the great man himself, his amazing wife, to his great children with great academic, political and business successes. And even more so, as the Founding Premier's mother, Mdm Chua Jim Neo better known as Mrs Leel Chin Koon, who was inducted to the Singapore Women's Hall of Fame some year ago.

The amazing thing is the she wrote a "Peranakan Cuisine" cookbook published in 1974 when she was 67 years old. And I have a copy of her book, not the original.

Mr Lee Kuan Yew's mother among 11 women inducted to Singapore Women's Hall of Fame

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8 Facts About Chua Jim Neo That Show She’s More Than Just Lee Kuan Yew’s Mother
Chua Jim Neo Published A Definitive Nyonya Cookbook At 67, 50 Years After Lee Kuan Yew’s Birth

Mdm Chua passed away on 8 August, 1980, at the age of 73. Here are 8 interesting facts about the woman that give us a glimpse into not only Mr Lee’s life, but as well as the Singapore of yesterday.
  • Married at 15
  • Stood her ground against her husband
  • Saved her jewellery for LKY’s education
  • Inducted into Singapore Women’s Hall of Fame
  • Published a cookbook
  • Her dad had 3 wives
  • Complex fam web
  • Driver’s licence cancelled by LKY

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Hall of Fame: Chua Jim Neo

Chua Jim Neo, better known as Mrs Lee Chin Koon, wrote her definitive Mrs Lee’s Cookbook in 1974 when she was 67 years old. At an age when many women of her generation were content to play with their grandchildren, Jim Neo decided to produce a cookbook so that future generations would have access to the intricacies of the Peranakan cuisine. The book, reprinted many times, is considered one of the most authoritative on Peranakan cuisine in Singapore.

Born in 1907, Jim Neo was the eldest child of Neo Ah Soon and wealthy Hokkien businessman Chua Kim Teng from Pontianak in Dutch Borneo. At age 15, she married Lee Chin Koon, a storekeeper, in an arranged marriage. She had five children, a daughter and four boys, the eldest of whom was Kuan Yew, who became prime minister of Singapore in 1959.

In his memoirs, Kuan Yew described his mother thus: “She devoted her life to raising her children to be well-educated and independent professionals, and she stood up to my father to safeguard their future. My brothers, my sister and I were very conscious of her sacrifices; we felt we could not let her down and did our best to be worthy of her and to live up to her expectations.”

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Discover ideas about Lee Kuan Yew

Family Portrait Mr Lee Kuan Yew (in black) in a family portrait the night before he left for England for further studies. Clockwise from left, Mr Lee's siblings Monica, Dennis, Freddy and Suan Yew, his mother Chua Jim Neo and father Lee Chin Koon.

Reference :-

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Avenger Endgame - previewing notes

Image result for Avenger endgame

Image result for Avenger endgame

'Avengers: Endgame'

After some wait and lots of homework of binge watching the marvel studio movies, out of the 21 movies before Avenger Endgame, we finally watched it, 3 hours straight, so many warnings given about watching previous movies in order to understand the details of how the whole series work out together.

This is a very good movie and one with a perfect ending yet making you teared up thinking of the sacrifices a few superheros who chose to make for the sake of everyone's else.

Who's who: Heroes

There are so many heroes in the MCU, Endgame released a whopping 32 character posters a month before the premiere, and then color-coded them by who did and did not survive The Snap. We've organized the following 32 character descriptions in the same fashion.

Living heroes 


1. Iron Man / Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.): Billionaire, genius, and former CEO of Stark Industries with a high-tech suit of armor that gives him super powers. First official member of The Avengers.
2. Captain America / Steve Rogers (Chris Evans): Patriotic super soldier (who was encased in ice during World War II and thawed out in the present day) with a particularly awesome Vibranium and steel shield. Considered Earth's first superhero, and a founding member of The Avengers.
3. Black Widow / Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson): Skilled assassin/super spy and founding member of The Avengers. Best friend to Hawkeye.
4. Thor (Chris Hemsworth): God of Thunder and King of Asgard, well-known for his mighty hammer. Founding member of The Avengers.
5. Okoye (Danai Gurira): Head of Wakanda's armed forces, highly skilled in martial arts, often armed with her Vibranium spear.
6. Hawkeye / Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner): Skilled archer, former special agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and founding member of The Avengers. Best friend to Black Widow.
7. Captain Marvel / Carol Danvers (Brie Larson): A former United States Air Force pilot and alien/human hybrid who gained cosmic powers from The Tesseract.
8. Ant-Man / Scott Lang (Paul Rudd): Powered by Pym Particles Disks, Ant-Man's incredible suit allows him to shrink in size, wield super human strength, and lead an army of ants. At the beginning of Endgame, Ant-Man is believed to be stuck inside The Quantum Realm. Partner to Wasp.
9. The Hulk / Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo): A skilled scientist who, after a failed experiment, began morphing into a big green monster whenever his heartbeat reached above a certain threshold. His power are often difficult to control. Founding member of The Avengers.
10. War Machine / James Rhodes (Don Cheadle): United States Air Force veteran and friend of Tony Stark. Armor allows him to fly, gives him superhero strength, and creates projectable energy blasts.
11. Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson): An Asgardian warrior who often rides into battle on a winged steed.
12. Nebula (Karen Gillan): A former villain who turned into a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, a rogue group of heroes. Sister of Gamora and daughter of Thanos. Previously loyal to Thanos.
13. Rocket (Bradley Cooper): A Guardian of the Galaxy known for his skilled inventing and looking a whole lot like a run-of-the-mill raccoon. (Really, he's an alien.)
14. Wong (Benedict Wong): A wizard and ally to Doctor Strange — also, a magical librarian.
15. Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau): Iron Man's personal chauffeur and a Stark family friend.
16. Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow): CEO of Stark Industries, sporadic superhero, and wife of Tony Stark. 

Currently deceased heroes


17. Star-Lord / Peter Quill (Chris Pratt): A half-god/half-human and Guardian of the Galaxy, with an affinity for old school music and his love interest Gamora. Dusted in The Snap.
18. Gamora (Zoe Saldana): A Guardian of the Galaxy, daughter of Thanos, and sister to Nebula. Sacrificed for the Soul Stone on Vormir by Thanos in Infinity War. 
19. Black Panther / T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman): King of the technologically-advanced, African nation of Wakanda. Dusted in The Snap.
20. Dr. Strange / Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch): A skilled sorcerer with the ability to manipulate time and see future timelines throughout the Universe. Trained by The Ancient One, played by Tilda Swinton in Doctor Strange. Dusted in The Snap.
21. Spider-Man / Peter Parker (Tom Holland): A high school kid with web-slinging abilities and those well-known "spidey senses." Mentored by Iron Man. Dusted in The Snap.
22. Loki (Tom Hiddleston): Brother to Thor and God of Mischief. A former villain who sought to control The Tesseract, but was apprehended at the end of the Battle of New York. Died at the hands of Thanos in Infinity War, apart from The Snap.
23. Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson): The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and creator of The Avengers. Recruited Captain Marvel for The Avengers at the very end of Infinity War, prompting her to show up on Earth at the beginning of Endgame. Dusted in The Snap.
24. Drax the Destroyer (Dave Bautista): A Guardian of the Galaxy with incredible strength. Dusted in The Snap.
25. Scarlet Witch / Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen): Transformed by the Mind Stone, a villain-turned-hero with energy manipulation powers, telekinesis, and telepathy. Romantically linked to Vision. Dusted in The Snap.
26. Wasp / Hope van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly): Former board member of Pym Technologies and partner to Ant-Man, with a suit that gives her the ability to shrink in size, fly, wield incredible strength, and unleash electric stings. Dusted in The Snap.
27. Mantis (Pom Klementieff): A Guardian of the Galaxy with psychic powers. Dusted in The Snap.
28. Groot (Vin Diesel): A large, tree-like Guardian of the Galaxy. Dusted in The Snap.
29. Falcon / Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie): United States Air Force veteran and ally of Captain America. Armored with a set of mechanical wings that allow him to conduct aerial attacks in combat. Dusted in The Snap.
30. Shuri (Letitia Wright): A skilled inventor and scientist responsible for leading innovation in the nation of Wakanda. Sister to Black Panther and Princess of Wakanda. Dusted in The Snap.
31. Winter Soldier / Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan): A former HYDRA prisoner and United States soldier. Best friend to Captain America. Similar to Captain America, Barnes was injected with experimental serum that gave him super powers. Dusted in The Snap.
32. Vision (Paul Bettany): An android created out of Vibranium and the Mind Stone. A creation from the destruction of Iron Man's J.A.R.V.I.S. AI system and Ultron. Killed by Thanos when the Mind Stone is forcibly removed from him in Infinity War. 

Who's who: Villains



It's possible that other villains from throughout the MCU will appear in Endgame, but there's really just one guy you have to know: Thanos.
This is the
asshole radical alien behind The SnapHe is the father to both Gamora and Nebula. His whereabouts at the start of Endgame are unknown. However, he remains in control of the six Infinity Stones via a magical glove known as the Infinity Gauntlet. 
A summary of the 21 movies in Chinese :-
Stan Lee's funny comments :-
Avengers: Endgame Cast Answers Amazing Questions of Chinese Fans!!
Stunts Without Stuntmen

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I love this video clips. It makes a lot of sense to me.