Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Our Hainan Island China Trip

In November 2005, we went to Hainan Island with Michael's parents and Uncle George Heng. We even brought Baby Christabel who was only 5 months at that time. It was a very memorable trip for everyone. For Grandpa Justitne Heng and Uncle George Heng, this proved to be a very emotional moments as they were re-united with all the sisters from Singapore, Hong Kong and Hainan.
The reunion day was very special, we went a long journey into the Village of Colour ( ), where all the inhabitants are decendants of Heng families. We held a small reunion lunch at the village and shared a time of communion together. The food was very delicious to say the least. The dining table was very small but we could fit in 10-11 persons.

The other cities that we visited were Haiko and Sanya. Sanya nicknamed as Eastern Hawaii was too much in beach tourism but there was no seashore nor shoreline reserve being observed. Any activities were on the short beaches itself.

The Hainanese Legacy

There are many cultural elements on the Hainan Island but the ones that we cherished the most are those images from the house where Grandpa Justine Heng used to live in. These snapshots were taken on the day that we went to the ancestral house belonging to Great-Grandpa Heng. He came to Sabah and worked and maintained this house.

Entering our relative's village

Walking down the aisle of the village
All the doors are lined up in a straight line.
The Wooden Roof

The little courtyard in front of house.
Picture Frames on top of windows and door panels.
The Chair

In Front of The HouseThe Special "Welcome" by Fire Crackers!

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Amazing Facts about who are the sons of Noah

I love this video clips. It makes a lot of sense to me.