Sunday, October 29, 2017

My Water Kefir Recipes

I fell in love with fermenting Water Kefir and got so much kick out of making it that I am very much a brewer of kefir. My Kefir teacher said that I may have invented a new kefir grain when I soaked my kefir grains in Roselle drinks for 2 days! I started it more than 6 months ago with one table spoon of Kefir after taking a lesson on that. It took weeks for me to wake up that 1 tablespoon of kefir. There was no "activity" in the mixture after soaking for 3 days. I then threw away the water and tried again. After three trials, I decided to put my kefir into sleep mode in the fridge and I started to watch a few YouTube Videos about how to make Water Kefir. Finally, I reached out to my teacher and she told me instead of one day, I should let it ferment for 2-3 days as a way to wake them up.

In the beginning, I was soaking the kefir grains for 3 days in the first fermentation also 3 days in the second fermentation. I did try to do the 1 day for first and then 1 day for second fermentation but that gave me too much work to do that daily. There were times, I soaked them longer than 3 days, they were still good, more gassy and tipsy as we drank them.

I started brewing one litre at a time, it was slow as the family consumed it quite fast. Then I made 2 litres and soon, I was making 6 litres, limited by the glass jars that I have.

First Fermentation Station

The first fermentation formula is easy : 1 litre of room temperature clean water with 1/4 Cup of raw cane Sugar (can be brown or white). Here is what I usually do, melt 1/4 Cup Sugar (prefer brown) with hot water, then dilute with room temperature. Put in the Kefir, wait for a day or two. To wake them up, needs 3-4 days, may need to change water also.

Once in a while, use jaggery sugar with pitch of Soda Bicarbonate to ensure water kefir are in good health and able to multiple.

Second Fermentation Station

Here are my success stories and what I put in the second fermentation:-

1) Sparkling Grape Kefir - My family's top favourite, top of the top. They request me to make this only. My kids called it "Holy Communion's Drink".

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
50 ml of Grape Juice
700-800 ml of Kefir Water after first fermentation

Shake the bottle to dissolve the sugar. Wash off any spills on the bottles. Keep them in dark cool place for 1-2 days. They could turn gassy really fast like within 24 hours. So its best to check on them regularly.

2) Fruit Tea Kefir - Fruity taste and quite similar to Grape Kefir
Brew 30 -50 gm of Fruit tea (with fruits or flowers) in 300 ml hot water (do the night before). This is for 6 bottles.

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
50 ml of Fruit Tea
700-800 ml of Kefir Water after first fermentation

Shake the bottle to dissolve the sugar. Watch off any spills on the bottles. Keep them in dark cool place for 1-2 days. They could turn gassy really fast like within 24 hours. So its best to check on them regularly.

3) Pineapple Lemon Kefir (Shandy)

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
Pineapples and Lemon or Orange with grinds diced (squeeze in juice, about 50-80 gm)
Lemon / Orange with ginger slices
800 ml of Kefir Water after first fermentation

Shake the bottle to dissolve the sugar. Watch off any spills on the bottles. Keep them in dark cool place for 2-3 days. The longer we keep them in fermentation, it becomes slightly more alcoholic.
The comments I got for this drinks is between Shandy and weak beer.

4) Roselle Kefir 

I have done three methods and all seem to work.

Method 1
Boil 400 gm Roselle petals (fresh or dry) with 3 litres of water, do not add any sugar, let it completely cool. Prefer to do the night before.
Use this Roselle Drink to do first fermentation for 1- 1 1/2 days. Be careful to check that kefir grains are doing ok, breathing well in the jar.

1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
800 ml of Roselle Kefir Water after first fermentation
(Some would just do first fermentation and then chill after filter the grains)

They do turn gassy within a day or two. Colours are really bright red. 

Method 2
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
2-3 Roselle flowers, open up the petals and pour into water kefir drink
800 ml of normal Kefir Water after first fermentation
Colour not so bring red. Its pinkish.

Method 3
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar into 1-litre bottle
50-80 ml of Boiled Roselle Drinks
800 ml of normal Kefir Water after first fermentation

Method 1's kefir is the brightest red !

5) Coconut Kefir 

Pour fresh coconut juice into water kefir
Just need first fermentation, soak 8-10 hours, pour drinks into bottles and chill before drink.

6) Other Kefir ingredients that I have tried are :-

Dragonfruits, Lemon only, Orange with Ginger, dates, plumes, Grapes (slice them) but colour does not change much.
I have tried Jasmine Tea and it did not turn out well.
My friend has tried with Chinese Gogi, Dates and she said it was nice.

Taste is very personal and my entire family now thirst for kefir including the kids. I also check on my kefir often and would tap the jars and in return, the kefir bubbles will burst out before me, just like a fireworks in the sky, I would see a kefir water-works inside the jar of kefir water. It was mersmerising to watch and comforting to know that they are alive and doing well.



Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Elliot learns to Cook 3 - Chicken Rice In a Pot

One Pot Cooking is a very important cooking skills for survial. In many circumstances, due to lack of resources or reduce washing or camping, we need to cook everything in a pot. This Chicken Rice recipe is supposed to be cooked using a Rice Cooker but Elliot does not have a Rice Cooker at his University house at Saujana Putra. I taught him using the Cooking pan and just be very careful of the fire not to burn the bottom of the rice.

To fry together :-
2 Tbsp Oil
1 medium Onion diced
3 cloves Garlic minced
1 tsp Ginger minced
1 medium Carrots diced
5 pieces Mushroom diced
2 Tbsp Sweet Soy Sauce (ABC Brand)
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce

Note :- 
Mushroom can be fresh or canned Button Mushroom or if dry soak in hot water for 20 minutes.

To marinate meat :-
1 piece Chicken Breast (not skin and diced)
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce

3 Cups of Rice washed
3 Cusp of water (pour out and ready)

1) Heat up oil, fry onion, add in garlic and ginger, then add carrots. It too dry, add a bit of water.
2) Add in marinated meat, fry till almost cooked (if over-cooked, meat be very dry).
3) Add in mushrroms and the rice, continue to stir.
4) Lastly add in the water pre-measured and press for Rice Cooker. If cooking using a pot on gas stove, when it comes to boil, put on the lid, lower the fire. If the smoke is getting less or stop, then lift up to check if the rice is cooked. If the rice has translucent part that means its not fully cooked yet.
5) Off the fire, let it simmer inside.

Elliot learns to Cook 2 - Homemade Burgers

This is yummy, healthy burger recipe for students when you need comfort food. I just learnt this homemade burger recipe recently from my sister in law, Rebecca Poong.

Chicken Burgers - Homestyle

500 gm Chicken minced
1 Egg (a bit too much for 500 gram but it does give nice aroma when frying the si
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Paprika
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
1 Tbsp Garlic Powder
2 Tbsp Yoghurt
1-2 pieces of Bread cubes
1 Tbsp Persley chopped or powder

Elliot learns to Cook 1 - Bolognese Sauce

It is long overdue that Elliot should learn cooking. Here is his first away-from-home cooking lesson at Saujana Putra home on 15 October 2017.

Bolognese Sauce - The Heng's Style

Vegetable :
3 Tbsp            Olive Oil
3 Large           Onions - diced
2 Medium       Carrots - diced
1 Large           Garlic - diced finely
1 Thumb Size Ginger - diced finely
2 Tbsp             Oregano Spice

Marinating Minced Meat :
500 gm            Chicken Minced
3-5 Tbsp          Corn Flour
1/4 Cup            Red Wine or Rice Vinegar
1 Tin               Tomato Puree (medium size)
1 Cup               Water (optional if too dry)

For Taste :
1 Tbsp             Sugar
1 tsp                Salt
1 tsp                Pepper

Addtional :
1 piece           Green Pepper diced
1 Tin              Mushroom (Chinese button mushrooms) diced finely
1 Tin              Kidney Beans

1) Heat up oil, fry Onions until fragrant. Add in garlic and ginger.
2) Continue to fry with Carrots in, add oil if too dry.
3) Add in Oregano Spice, fry to let fragrance out.
4) Mix Corn flour into Minced meat, add in Red Wine or Rice Vinegar. Mix well.
5) Put Minced Meat into sauce and add in Tomato Puree.
6) Add in Sugar, Salt, Pepper and adjust according to taste.
7) Put in mushrooms, green peppers, Kidney Beans and mix well and stop the fire. Cover with lid.

Best to cook this 6 hours prior to eating.

This is a very versatile dish. From this sauce, we could make :-

  • Homemade Pizza - may use thin wraps or bread with butter spread
  • Lasagne - use non-cooked type, possible to use bread but cut off sides and roll with pin.
  • Pasta & Sauce with cheese

Bel learns to bake 2 - Chewy Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate Cookies, Brownies and Moist Chocolate Cakes, who do not fall into with these goodies?

The Best Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies Servings: 12 

 INGREDIENTS ½ cup sugar ¾ cup brown sugar, packed 1 teaspoon salt ½ cup butter, melted 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1¼ cups all-purpose flour ½ teaspoon baking soda 4 ounces milk or semi-sweet chocolate chunks 4 ounces dark chocolate chunks (or your preference) PREPARATION Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. In a large bowl, whisk together the sugars, salt, and butter until a paste has formed with no lumps. Whisk in the egg and vanilla, beating until light ribbons fall off the whisk. Sift in the flour and baking soda, then fold the mixture with a spatula, being careful not to overmix too much. This will cause the gluten in the flour to toughen which will result in cakier cookies. Fold in the chocolate chunks evenly, then chill the dough for at least 30 minutes. For a more intense toffee-like flavor and deeper color, chill the dough overnight. The longer the dough rests, the more complex its flavor will be. Scoop the dough with an ice-cream scoop onto a parchment paper-lined baking sheet, leaving at least 4 inches of space between cookies and 2 inches of space from the edges of the pan so that the cookies can spread evenly. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges have started to barely brown. Cool completely, and enjoy!

Here is a Chewy Chocolate Cookies recipe we tried.

Chewy Chocolate Cookies (makes 12 large cookies)

1/ 2 Cup      Sugar (1/4 Cup)
3/4 Cup       Brown Sugar (1/2 Cup)
1 tsp            Salt
1/2 Cup       Butter (melted)
1                  Egg
1 tsp            Vanilla Essence
1 1/4 Cup    All Purpose Flour sifted
1/2 tsp         Baking Soda
4 Oz            Milk Choc chopped or chips
4 Oz            Dark Choc chopped or chips

1) Pour sugars, salt and add in melted butter then egg and stir well.
2) Add in Vanilla and sifted Flour & Baking Soda and whisk.
3) Add in Chopped Chocolate or chips.
4) Chill in fridge 30 minutes to harden.
5) Scope using Ice Cream Scope and place 4 inches apart

Bake 180C 12-15 mins until sides slightly brown

Bel learns to bake 1 - Brownies

Bel is interested to bake Brownies, she wants the fudgy type. She gave me one YouTube link and I felt it was too much fat. So I googled another source. We gave it a few tries and here are the results.

Bel's original Video Link :-

Science of Fudgy and Cakey Brownies

Fudgy Brownies 

4 Oz (113 gram)   Butter (melted)
6 Oz                      Cooking Chocolate
1 1/2 Cup              Sugar (reduced to 3/4 Cup)
3                            Eggs
1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp  All Purpose Flour
1/4 Cup                 Cocoa Powder
 Pinch                    Salt

180 C  30 minutes

Cakey Brownies 

2 Oz (56 gram)     Butter (melted)
4 Oz                      Cooking Chocolate
1 1/2 Cup              Sugar (reduced to 3/4 Cup)
3                            Eggs
1/2 Cup + 2 Tbsp  All Purpose Flour
1/4 Cup                 Cocoa Powder ?
Pinch                     Salt
1/4 tsp                   Baking Powder

180 C  35-40 minutes

Take # 1 (23 Oct 2017)
We tried the Cakey Brownies (by accident) on 23 October 2017 as we did not have enough Cocoa Powder and it was replaced by flour (too much).

The difference between Cakey and Fudgy are actually the Butter and Cooking Chocolate portion (more for fudgy Brownies). 

The Best Fudgy Brownies Servings: 9 INGREDIENTS 8 ounces good-quality chocolate ¾ cup butter, melted 1¼ cups sugar 2 eggs 2 teaspoons vanilla ¾ cup all-purpose flour ¼ cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon salt PREPARATION Preheat oven to 350°F/180°C. Chop the chocolate into chunks. Melt half, then save the other half for later. Mix the butter and the sugar, then beat in the eggs and vanilla for 1-2 minutes until the mixture has become fluffy and light in color. Whisk in the reserved melted chocolate (make sure the chocolate is not too hot or else the eggs will cook), then sift in the flour, cocoa powder, and salt. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, being careful not to overmix as this will cause the brownies to be more cake-like in texture. Fold in the chocolate chunks, then transfer the batter into a parchment paper-lined square baking dish. Bake for 20-25 minutes, depending on how fudgy you like your brownies, then cool completely. Slice, then serve with a nice cold glass of milk! Check us out on Facebook! - Credits:

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Chicken Burgers - Tai's Style

Chicken Burgers - Tai's Style

1 Kg Minced Meat
2 Tbsp Yoghurt
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce
1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce
1 Tbsp Garlic Powder
1 Tbsp Parsley Chopped or powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1 tsp Paprika 
1 Egg
2 pieces Bread Cubes
1-2 Tbsp Corn Starch
3 pieces Diced Mushrooms (round)

Optional :-
Few shoots Fried Shallots red onions, spring onions, 
3 Tbsp Black Fungus diced

Roast 180 C 20 mins (May need to cover with foil at the end)

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Crystal Skin Mooncakes

Image result for mid-autumn festival
I have wanted to learn how to make mooncakes for a long time! Every year, I would find more recipes and yet could not find the courage or the time to make them. I was afraid of failure. Three years ago, Wendy taught in our GB meeting Crystal Skin Mooncakes, I was happy to test them and ate them up. I asked for the recipe and bought a pack of Koh Flour and I procrastinated and the Mid-Autumn Festival was gone and the flour unused.

Related image
Finally, three years later, I told her that I must make them this year but I did not buy the Koh Flour until I was ready. It turned out that she has discovered an improved recipe and she changed it based on her experiences too. Here is the recipe she taught me.

Crystal Skin

100 gm Koh Flour
 50 gm  Icing Sugar
 40 gm Shortening
120 ml Water

For flavour, pour that into the water before mixing in. On the first day, she showed me how to do it, I immediately added the following:-

Pandan Green for pandan flavour (Pandan Green Essence put into water)
Chocolate flavour (Put Chocolate into the mixture), possible to add Coffee Essence
Macha Green Tea flavour (Pour Macha powder into the mixture), the flavour is a bit weak.

1) Sieve Icing sugar and Koh flour
2) Add in shortening and pour in water (flavoured)
3) Mix well until becoming a dough.

Wrap in plastic bag and put aside for at least 20 minutes before use. Possible to keep in the fridge for up to 3-5 days.

Filling (chocolate)

2 Tbsp Milk
1 Tbsp Irish Bailey
50 gm Icing Sugar
180-200 gm Cooking Chocolate

2 Egg Yolk
1 Tbsp Milk
1 Tbsp Custard Powder

1) Double boil Milk, Irish Bailey, Icing Sugar and then remove from fire, add in chopped Cooking Chocolates.
2) Whisk lightly Egg Yolk, Milk, Custard Powder and pour into the melted chocolate. Stir until thick Stir until thicken. Keep for 2 hours before use.
3) Possible to mix chocolate filling with red bean paste.
I would measure and roll dough and also use the ratio of 35 gm skin and 25 gm fillings.

Choice of Filling paste 
  1. Purple Sweet potatoes - best method is to add condensed milk into the potaotes mixture and stir to the right consistency.  
  2. Chocolate fillings. 
  • 2 Tbsp Milk
  • 1 Tbsp Irish Bailey
  • 50 gm Icing Sugar
  • 2 Egg Yolk
  • 1 Tbsp Milk
  • 1 Tbsp Custard powder

Measurement :-

For every 100 gm of Koh Flour, it can make 8 Mini small mooncakes. Each mooncake skin is 25 - 30 gm, the filling is 10 gm lesser than the skin. So I was using 35 gm for crystal skin and 25 gm for filling. For filling, I use 10 gm lesser, 25 gm of filling and roll them up.

Finally, success! And Success is Sweet! Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival ! 

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