Monday, April 22, 2013

Rukun Negara - A Declaration of The National Philosophy

They said the last one was screwed by the Generation Y voters.
They said they are the ones that have forgotten their roots.
Perhaps, history was taught too shallow,
and they have become unpatriotic,
and become ignorant of the nation's fore-fathers' sacrifices and contributions.
With a stroke of the pen, they have voted out the long-time popular guys.
That was 2008 as the political analysts reported after the GE12.

Today is 2013, we are going through GE13.
What has happened in the past five years ?
We have a Prime Minister who is determined to reach to the Generation Y.
He started a Facebook account.
He started talking to the people (Rakyat).
He set up Think-Tanks for education
and they advised him to make history a compulsory subject to pass in 2013.
History in SPM exam will be 3 papers and 6 hours 30 minutes long.
This is serious business, and his team believes this will work.
To turn the Generation Z around since we have lost the Generation Y.

To make the kids more patriotic,
kindergarten education was reformed
and the Prime Minister's wife got a PhD for promoting early childhood education.
The advisors are very serious,
that Rukun Negara (declaration of national philosophy) be taught from age 3 onwards.
The results are hilarious, some kids are still saying Malaysia has a lot of prawns.
They read : Kedaulatan "Udang-Udang" (Prawns) instead of "Undang-Undang" (Law).

GE13 will see the youngest of GenerationY starting to vote.
This is the third time that Gen Y will be voting.
In the coming GE14, Generation Z will start voting,
they are the ones that will be forced to sit for 3 papers of History.
I guess the kids will not forget.
They have good memory of what the government has been doing.

 National Philosophy that Malaysia is built upon
The Idealist's Malaysia

Its hard enough to memorise all five of the Rukun Negara, 
to say them with convincing conviction is harder.
The Prime Minister of Malaysia's personal Facebook Page.
Todate, he has 1.6 million Likes for his page.

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