The Atkinson Tower beside early structures near Bandaran Berjaya in KK.
WITH a view to supplying a good coast station for the railway proposed to be put in hand along the West Coast from Beaufort, the Commissioner of Lands, Mr Henry Walker, was recently instructed to inspect the South Channel from Gayah Bay. We now learn that this has resulted in the discovery of a very suitable town site and anchorage on the Coast nearly opposite to old Gayah.
Mr Walker reports that there are about thirty acres of good dry flat land, over six chains wide and half a mile long, available for a town. They lie at the foot of low grassy hills on which there are good Bungalow sites, and there is good anchorage at a distance of less than half a mile which can be reached by a stone mole and wooden pier. At the T head the depth at L. W. will be 24 feet, sufficient for ocean going steamers.
The name to be given to the township is Jesselton so named after Sir Charles Jessel, the Vice-Chairman of the British North Borneo Company. Mr Haynes has received instructions to proceed at once with the Residency, and it is hoped the pier, mole and Government buildings will shortly be in course of construction.
From the hills above Jesselton, which run from 200 to 300 feet high, a view of the country behind shows it to consist of low hills, chiefly grass covered, extending to the Putatan river, beyond which the mountains rise up to the Kinabalu range.
From Jesselton roads can easily be made to the flourishing district of Putatan on the south, to Mangatal on the North, and to the interior. We expect that before long the telegraph line from Labuan along the coast will be in working order and it will have a principal station at Jesselton.
5th January, 1900 Report on Immigration and Protectorate
Mr W H Hasting, Acting Superintendent Immigration and Protectorate Department writes: There were 205 coolies registered in this Office during the month: viz., 191 Chinese and 14 of Malay and other nationalities. Of these 25 came from Singapore, 13 were engaged locally and 167 re-engaged on estates. The fees collected in stamps were $5125.
I acted as Superintendent of Immigration and Protectorate during Dr Denny's absence on account of ill-health and continue to do so pending Dr Denny's return from leave.
The only case worth recording was, that of a Chinaman who laid a complaint before me against his wife for recovery of his daughter (8 years) from the mother. The parties not having lived together for about a year, the mother having taken care of child up to present time, and the father being unfit to look after the child, custody of child was given to the mother.
Charles Jessel
Report on Province Keppel
Mr Haynes writes:-
1st December. I sent ammunition to Papar.
The Menggatal clerks came in to report on the state of affairs there.
2nd. During the night received two letters from Putatan on the movements of Mat Salleh's men.
3rd. The s.s. Labuan from Sandakan at 10 o'clock a.m.
Mr Commissioner Walker and Mr Malcom passengers on board.
I went with the s.s. Labuan to Jesselton to point out the Beacons to Capt. Pfort, who has, I think, sent in a report on the Harbour, the ship anchored, where the T Head is to be held.
5th. Mr Malcolm left for Ambong.
I paid Pengeran Kahar $30, the price of a slave who had complained of ill-treatment.
6th. Cleared along the banks of the small stream at the South of Gantian, and put on a guard there.
7th. Went to Jesselton, asked the Chief Seedik to arrange about the purchase of the coconut plantation at Deasoka.
8th. Put up some posts to mark the line of the wharf.
9th. From the top of the hill at the back of Jesselton I saw the Sub-Commandant Dansey and Mr Atkinson with 15 police coming from Putatan. They marched into Jesselton at about 9 o'clock am.
12th. Report brought in that Sleman the paid Menggatal Chief, had looted the shops there, and was preparing to go up-country.
13th. Arrested Sleman, the son of Karim, (Bajau of Menggatal) for threatening to kill the Chinese traders there.
The s.s. Tringganau from Sandakan arrived at 8 o'clock a.m., bringing the Commandant, 24 men and 2 guns.
Sleman, the Government Chief of Menggatal, has gone to join Mat Salleh.
14th. The steam launch Marudu returned from Ambong at 1-30 am.
Started off the clerk Arsat to Api Api to get firewood for the launch.
The steam launch Marudu left for Papar at 8 o'clock am.
Vasawa Sing sworn in as a special P.C.
Pengeran Kahar brought in Muntri Raja Chief of Kumbrian and Keladon of Paluton.
Sleman is reported to be at Nati.
H.M.S. Rattler came in from Labuan at 5 O'clock pm.
15th. The steam launch Marudu from Papar at 12-30 a.m. bringing Sub-Commandant Dansey and Mr Atkinson.
Letter from the clerk at Mengkabong saying that Toyok and his party had burnt down the Government Station at Tarubong (Mengkabong).
The Police started overland for Mengkabong at 9-30 a.m. and H.M.S. Rattler left for Kuala Mengkabong at noon.
H.M.S. Rattler returned to Gantian at 5 o'clock p.m. with the Police on board.
The Tuaran Dusons have responded promptly to the Government call for carriers – 168 have already come in under the Chief Malogub.
Report on Kudat
Mr Resident Barraut in his report for November, writes:-
A lunatic got burnt at the hospital, an inquest was held and the jury brought in a verdict of "accidental death," this I have reported under separate cover.
Happy Valley was visited several times, the settlers had to be paid some compensation owing to the new road passing through their gardens, which necessitated some fruit and coffee trees having to be cut down.
Mr White, the Treasurer, returned from sick-leave on the 11th and took over his duties the same day. A prisoner ran away on the 12th and was captured the next day.
S.L. Benkoka was finished during the month. The Market was opened to the public on the 15th, the tables were auctioned and realised very fair prices, this building was erected by prison labour.
During this month there was a murder case tried by the Sessions Courts, the jury brought in one of the culprits guilty of the capital offence.
Sub-Commandant Dansey passed through on his way to Labuan on the 16th with some Police.
Contracts were signed for repairs of all the culverts in the old settlement.
I visited the Telegraph rentis, they had reached Nangka, the erecting of the line had ceased owing to the want of insulators, the coolies were engaged in widening the rentis.
On 26th, Messrs Wilson, Dansey and Malcolm arrived in s.s. Kelantan, the former returned from leave and the others were over carried being unable to arrive at their destination, I tried to charter a launch to send them on, but unfortunately was unable. Sub-Commandant Dansey put the force through section fireing and various drills whilst here.
They proceeded per s.s. Labuan for Ambong and Kimanis.
The District has been quiet during this period. The rumour of Mat Salleh which Hadji Drahim received, I have reported under separate cover, the old man is very nervous and has built a fort round his house at Linau, Limauhan.
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