All the years of parenting, all the years of caring, tutoring, fetching, learning by both kids and parents, all have a singular purpose which is to see our kids ready to grow their own wings and flying off the nest. Oh, the nest, it shall be empty soon, well, half empty.

One does not quite get prepared for this, no matter how much you plan or pray about it from the time that they were born and little. This day was just too far away, too long a journey to fathom as possible to have completed, too distant a destination to have arrived. There was a time, they seem to be so little, and that they were attached permanently to our apron's string, they just would not let go, but slowly and surely, one fine day, they cut the apron's string off and declared independence and they do not need us that much anymore. They asked for space, private space and to be left alone. There were dinners they did not want to join; holidays they rather be somewhere else with their friends and own kind; movie they declined to be with us.

Our two boys who are in their teens will leave home for further studies soon. So much planning has been evolved around this. We realised that the parenting journey of hand-holding and coaching will come to an end, at least the part where we are coaching in person, living in the same house scenarios. We will begin the mentoring and away from home coaching stage soon.
Where have time gone ? Where have our youth gone ? In the midst of all these parenting and growing and nurturing our kids up, suddenly the next few years will be the summation of our parenting goals, the peak of our existence and the reason of our beings (as if we live just for our kids). But very soon after that summation and peak, is a steep slope where we cannot follow and just have to let go and let them try their own lives. It will also be a instant draining of our financial savings and planning.
There is a quotation about the bird having its confidence not on the branch that it sits that it will not break but should the branch breaks, it can trust its own wings to fly away. The moral of the quotation - always believe in yourself. Well, in this case, we have to believe in our kids to have grown a strong pair wings to fly away from home, fly higher above the storm and fly further to achieve their full potential in pursuit of their dream and fly off to start their very own life journey.
We wish our dearest flesh and blood, a very good journey full of mercy and grace from God, protected and always in His love and care. And mum and dad will also have to embark on another journey where we have to learnt to live without you at our sides, to have a part of us living away and far from us, to have more time to ourselves and learn to cope with new challenges.